Rent warehouse on the street. Morozova 17
A new 2.5-ton freight elevator was installed.Entrance from the facade of the street Morozova, industrial floors topping.
The entrance to the room from the red line st. Morozova, next to the Water Park Jungle, Odesskaya, ave. Gagarina, st. Heroes of Stalingrad. Opposite the entrance is 10 meters tram and bus stops.
Total area for rent 1800 sq.mColumn pitch 6 by 12 meters.Floor industrial topping 2019.Rental rate 40 UAH / m2 + light on the meter.Economic bright LED lighting 2019.The room has water and sewage, a sanitary unit and a shower.
The room is located 8 meters underground. It has a comfortable microclimate (in the winter +3 .. + 10, in the summer +15 .. + 19).
Electricity 50 kW with the possibility of expanding the substation.
Rent is possible from 800 m2.Formal rental agreement. We fix the price in hryvnia. Owner.